EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Intelligence Officials and Satellite Photos Detail Russian Military Buildup on Crimea - Defense One

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June 12, 2019
EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Intelligence Officials and Satellite Photos Detail Russian Military Buildup on Crimea - Defense One
Council could buy Skripal home to prevent it being turned into 'tourist destination' - Salisbury Journal
Voices in the media disappeared long before 2019 - The Big Smoke Australia
World War III: How Likely Is It U.S. Will Fight in Iran, North Korea, Syria, Ukraine or Venezuela? - Newsweek
Who is David Schenker, the newest Trump appointee for Middle East policy? - Middle East Eye

EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Intelligence Officials and Satellite Photos Detail Russian Military Buildup on Crimea - Defense One

Defense One
Russia has added troops, aircraft, and weapons to Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula in what amounts to a “significant” buildup of forces over the past 18 months, according to U.S. intelligence officials, observers, and new satellite photos that reveal the locations of new S-400 air defense systems and improvements to Soviet-era bases.
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Council could buy Skripal home to prevent it being turned into 'tourist destination' - Salisbury Journal

Salisbury Journal
ONE of Wiltshire's top civic chief's has suggested the council may purchase Sergei Skripal's Salisbury home, in a bid to stop it being used as a tourist destination. Executive director for the authority, Alistair Cunningham, confirmed that neighbours of the Christie Miller Road property were growing worried that the former spy's house could be sold privately and turned into attraction, such as an Airbnb.
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Voices in the media disappeared long before 2019 - The Big Smoke Australia

The Big Smoke Australia
It may seem like we’re now waging war on journalists, but the marginalisation of meaningful voices in the media works on a far longer timeline.    The death of Robert Parry early in 2018 felt like a farewell to the age of the reporter.
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World War III: How Likely Is It U.S. Will Fight in Iran, North Korea, Syria, Ukraine or Venezuela? - Newsweek

The United States has been at war for much of its history, including the past 17 years straight since the onset of the "War on Terror" that began with Afghanistan—already the country's longest-ever active conflict.
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Who is David Schenker, the newest Trump appointee for Middle East policy? - Middle East Eye

Middle East Eye
A former Pentagon official, who also worked at a pro-Israel think-tank in Washington, has been confirmed as the US State Department's top Middle East policy official. David Schenker, a former programme director at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, was confirmed as the new assistant secretary of state for near eastern affairs earlier this month in an 83-11 vote in the US Senate.
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